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【会议】2022年环境、社会、治理与金融创新学术会议 2022 International Conference on Environment, Social, Governance and Financial Innovation


此次学术会议得到了Journal of International Money and FinanceChina Finance Review InternationalElectronic Markets《经济纵横》、《内蒙古社会科学》、《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》、《求是学刊》《上海商学院学报》这些期刊的学术支持。



本次会议以下三部分组成The Conference Consists ofthe FollowingThree Workshops

l第一部分(面向英文论文)2022 International Workshop on Socially Responsible Investment (Hybrid) (Affiliated workshop for the planned Special Issue oftheJournal of International Money and Financeentitled“International Socially Responsible Investment: New Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets”andforthe considerationofpublication inChina Finance Review International)

l第二部分(面向英文论文)2022 International Workshop on ESG for Online Marketplaces (Hybrid) (Affiliated workshop for the Special Issue ofElectronic Markets“Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) for Online Marketplaces”)


会议议题Conference Topics





会议时间与地点Time and Location

l20221028日至30Oct.28-30, 2022

l中国上海以及线上Shanghai, China& Online

会议组委会成员Committee Members

l(Co-chair)KeesKoedijk,荷兰乌德勒支大学UtrechtUniversity, the Netherlands

l(Co-chair)XiangGao,上海商学院财务金融研究所Research Center of Finance, Shanghai Business School, China

l(Co-vice-chair) Victor Chow,美国西弗吉尼亚大学West Virginia University, US

l(Co-vice-chair)SunghanRyu,上海交通大学-南加大学文化创业产业学院USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry,China

l(Co-vice-chair)KamC.Chan,上海商学院财务金融研究所Research Center of Finance, Shanghai Business School, China

lShigeyukiHamori,日本神户大学Kobe University, Japan

lHaichaoFan,复旦大学FudanUniversity, China

lHuanhuanWang,华东师范大学East China Normal University, China

lMeitingLu,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学Macquarie University, Australia

lQianChen,深圳北理莫斯科大学ShenzhenMSU-BITUniversity, China

lYingchaoZhang,英国杜伦大学Durham University, UK

lYilongXu,荷兰乌德勒支大学Utrecht University, Netherlands

lXingheLiu,广东外语外贸大学Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

lSunghunChung,美国圣克拉拉大学Santa Clara University, US

lSangseokYou,韩国成均馆大学SungkyunkwanUniversity, Korea

lRonaldHuisman,荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学Erasmus University Rotterdam,theNetherlands

lDaegonCho,韩国科学技术院Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

lJeroenDerwall,荷兰马斯特里赫特大学Maastricht University,theNetherlands

lYounghoonChang,北京理工大学Beijing Institute of Technology, China

lBin Li,美国怀特州立大学Wright State University, US

会议重要日期Important Dates

l会议截止提交Deadline for Conference SubmissionOct. 15, 2022

l会议录用通知Notification of Conference AcceptanceOct. 22, 2022

l会议确认注册Conference Registration for PresentersOct. 24, 2022

l会议举办日期Conference DatesOct.28-30, 2022

l期刊论文投稿Submission Deadline toRelated JournalsQ1, 2023

l预计评审完毕Expected Journal Acceptance DeadlineQ3, 2023

l预计期刊出版Expected Publication DateQ4, 2023

会议征文联系方式Conference Contact and Paper Submission Email

高翔Xiang GAO

上海商学院财务金融研究所Research Center of Finance,Shanghai Business School

上海中山西路2271No.2271 WestZhongshanRoad, Shanghai, China

电子邮件E-mail: gaoxiang@sbs.edu.cn

中英文论文皆可,已完成文章和具有创新贡献的草稿皆可,只接受PDF文档格式投稿,请作者将投稿论文分为“作者信息页”和不含作者信息的匿名全文(以“作者姓名+论文题目”为文件名)两个PDF文件。提交论文邮件地址:gaoxiang@sbs.edu.cn。论文提交的截止日期为20221015日。最佳的论文长度为40008000字(含参考文献等所有论文要件)。不收取投稿费。专家委员会将采用国际通行的方式,负责审定所有的论文,并计划于20221022日之前通知作者论文接受情况。会议结束后委员会将邀请高质量稿件投稿至支持期刊进入投稿流程。English and Chinese papers are welcome.Both completed papers and early drafts with innovative ideas are encouraged.Please submit two PDF files of a titlepage and a manuscript without author information to the email of gaoxiang@sbs.com.cn. The submission deadline is Beijing Time Oct. 15, 2022.Recommended paper length is 4,000- to 8,000-word counts, including all items. Long abstract is also fine with at least two pages of detailed introduction.There is no submission fee.Thecommittee will review allsubmittedpapers and notify those selectedfor conference presentation before Oct. 22, 2022.Further, selective papers (i.e., Best Paper Awards) among the accepted English papers will be invited to theplanned special issue oftheJournal of International Money and Finance and the announced special issue of Electronic Markets. The other English papers can be submitted on their own to these special issues and the China Financial Review International. For the non-invited papers, the standard review processwill be followed. Chinese papers accepted to the Chinesepapersessions will be recommended forpotentialpublication in《经济纵横》、《内蒙古社会科学》、《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》、《求是学刊》、《上海商学院学报》

本次会议收取会议费。收到论文入选通知的宣讲作者应在1024日前根据邮件入选通知中的指导注册参加会议。The registration fee for the conference isfree. Presenting authors should register for the conference beforeOct.24, 2022.

会务组织Conference Organizers





Shanghai Business School, Research Center of Finance will host the2022 International Workshop on International Socially Responsible Investment: New Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets (Hybrid)on Oct.28, 2022 in Shanghai, China and online. Thisworkshop is part of the 2022 International Conference on Environment, Social, Governance and Financial Innovation, whichwill be held with hybrid form due to the pandemic travel restrictions.

The goal of theworkshopis to promote research broadly related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) perspectives of socially responsible investment in both the developed and emerging countries. The Journal of International Money and Finance(JIMF)isplanning todedicate a special issue to papers to be presented at this conference. The special issue has a theme ofInternational Socially Responsible Investment: New Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets. The program committee cordially invites submissions of both theoretical and empirical work on topics including (but not limited to):

l国际投资、气候风险和网络效应International investments, climate risk exposures, and network effects;

l国际资本市场中与可持续性相关的贷款和借贷Sustainability-linked loans and lending in international capital markets;

l世界各地投资者对可持续性偏好的异质性Heterogeneity in investorspreferences for sustainability around the world;

l(国际)投资的环境风险(例如,物理风险转型风险)和环境影响的测量The measurement of (international) investmentsenvironmental risk (e.g., physical or transition risk) and environmental impacts;

l国际公司治理机制的作用以及投资者和公司对可持续性的承诺The role of international corporate governance mechanisms and the commitment to sustainability among investors and firms.

Submission to the Special Issue of JIMF

宣讲的高质量论文会收到邀请被投稿到JIMFChina Finance Review International (CFRI)。在提交论文时,论文作者有权选择投稿或者不投稿至支持期刊。会议投稿和期刊投稿相互独立。The submission tojournals is separate from the conference submission.会议支持期刊将对有意发表的论文按照正常稿件审核标准和盲审程序审稿。会议第一部分英文支持期刊JIMF是一本反映经济、金融最前沿研究成果的全英文学术期刊,2020JCR影响因子为2.731JCR二区期刊,已被ScopusWeb of ScienceAssociation of Business Schools(ABS) Academic Journal GuideABDCFMS管理科学高质量期刊列表等二十余个权威数据库收录。JIMF is a leading academic journal of theoretical and empirical research in the field of international economics and finance. The Impact Factor of this journal is 2.731, ranking it 47 out of 108 in Business, Finance. The Journal Citation Reports (JCR) ranks it in the 2nd quartile of the finance field.会议第一部分英文支持期刊CFRI是上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院创办的一本广泛涵盖中国及世界的经济、金融最前沿研究成果的全英文学术期刊。目前CFRI期刊已被二十余个权威数据库收录,包括:ScopusWeb of ScienceESCIABSABDC2020CFRI期刊入选FMS管理科学高质量期刊C类国际期刊,位于金融学科共78本期刊中的第34位。


Shanghai Business School, Research Center of Finance andtheUSC-SJTUInstitute of Cultural and Creative Industry, Shanghai Jiao Tong Universitywill jointly host the2022 International Workshop on ESG for Online Marketplaces (Hybrid)onOct.29, 2022in Shanghai, Chinaand online.This workshop is also a part of the 2022 International Conference on Environment, Social, Governance and Financial Innovation, which will be heldwithhybrid form due to the pandemic travel restrictions.

The goal of theworkis to promote research broadly related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) perspectives inan evolving digital economy and emergingmarketplaces in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world.Theinternational journal on networked business, Electronic Markets,dedicates a special issueto papers to be presented at this conference. The special issue has a theme of"Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) for Online Marketplaces". All finance, ESG, and sustainable developmentsubjects will be considered. Potential research topics include but are not limited to the following:

lESG、可持续发展和在线市场之间的相互作用Interactions between ESG, sustainable development, and online marketplaces;

l在公司、行业和/或宏观层面上对在线市场的ESG进行度量Measurements of ESG in online marketplaces on firm-, industry- and/or macro-level;

lESG和可持续发展对在线市场及其利益相关者的影响,如政府、员工、客户、社区和供应商Impact of ESG and sustainability on online marketplaces and their stakeholders such as government, employees, customers, communities, and suppliers;

lESG成本和绩效评估对在线市场的决策ESG cost and performance evaluation on online marketplaces' decisions;

l在线市场良好或不良的ESG实践和沟通的后果Consequences of good or bad ESG practices and communications by online marketplaces;

l中小企业和初创企业在网络市场上的ESG和可持续发展指标ESG and sustainability indicators for SMEs and startups in online marketplaces;

l媒体和娱乐行业的新兴网络平台的ESG和可持续发展挑战ESG and sustainability challenges of emerging online platforms in media and entertainment sectors;

l在线市场的商业模式以及ESG选择和持续增长Business models for online marketplaces and ESG choices and sustainable growth;

l宏观层面、行业层面和公司层面的因素对在线市场的可持续增长和环境因素的联系Linkages between macro-level, industry-level, and firm-level factors on sustainable growth and environmental considerations in online marketplaces;

l在线市场的负责任和持续投资等Responsible and sustainable investment in online marketplaces.

Submission to the Special Issueof EM

The submission to Electronic Markets special issue is separate from the conference submission. The submission details and portal can be foundon the following website: http://www.electronicmarkets.org/call-for-papers/single-view-for-cfp/datum/2022/03/11/cfp-special-issue-on-environmental-social-and-governance-esg-for-online-marketplaces/. The Electronic Markets is a leading academic journal from the information systems discipline that offers a forum for research on all forms of networked business. EM recognizes the transformational role of information and communication technology (ICT) in changing the interaction between organizations and individuals ("digitalization"), which is present in social networks, electronic commerce, supply chain management, or customer relationship management. Its 5-Year Impact Factor in theClarivateAnalytics Master Journal List 2020 is 6.699. The Journal Citation Reports (JCR) ranks it in the 2nd quartile of the finance field.










