
20239月25日,Nature子刊Humanities & Social Sciences Communications在线发表了我校上商杰出学者高翔教授可持续发展金融研究团队的学术论文Dynamic information spillover between Chinese carbon and stock markets under extreme weather shocks高翔教授为通讯作者,安徽大学经济学院陈张杭健老师为第一作者,泰国西北大学校长AphichaInsuwan教授为共同作者。Humanities & Social Sciences Communications是Nature旗下唯一的文科综合类刊物,同时被A&HCI与SSCI收录,该刊致力于出版人文社科领域的高水平研究,在国内外的人文社科领域具有重要影响力。该期刊为WOS分区SSCI类1区期刊,在社会学跨学科领域的110本期刊中排名第19。



The present study aims to investigate the dynamic information spillover relationship between Chinese carbon and stock markets, as well as the impact of extreme weather shocks exerted on this relationship. The method adopted is the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator-vector autoregressive-Diebold-Yilmaz spillover approach so that the degree and direction of risk spillovers among markets can be assessed simultaneously. Empirical results reveal that there is a high level of extreme risk spillover among markets in comparison to return spillover. The carbon market receives return spillover from high-polluting sectors, but it will turn into a risk transmitter under extreme risk conditions. Weather shocks significantly affect extreme riskspillover among markets and may lead to spillovers from the carbon market to low-polluting sectors. The portfolio strategy constructed based on the identified information spillover relationship is shown to achieve higher average returns than strategies focusing on a single carbon or stock market sector. This paper is among the first to integrate carbon markets and 38 stock sector indices for different pollution intensities, comprehensively exploring their dynamic interrelationships under extreme weather threats. The corresponding practical and policy implications for investors and regulators are also provided along with these findings.

论文信息:Chen, Z.H.J., Gao, X.,Insuwan, A. Dynamic information spillover between Chinese carbon and stock markets under extreme weather shocks. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 611 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-02134-7




